Challenge Your Limits: How to Silence the Monkey Mind

October 11, 20242 min read

Challenge Your Limits:  How to Silence the Monkey Mind

Have you ever caught yourself thinking things like:

  • I'm just not smart enough to do what they do.

  • I'm too old to start over.

  • I'm too young for that.

  • People don't love me because of my weight.

  • I never get promotions because I'm not smart enough.

  • Everyone else lands great opportunities except me.

These are the voices of what we often call the "monkey mind"—the thoughts that swirl around and hold you back from pursuing your dreams or improving your life.

First, it's crucial to recognize that these thoughts are not facts; they're beliefs. These are what we call limiting beliefs, and they aren't the truth.

Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." Doesn't that resonate with how powerful beliefs can be? They shape our reality because our minds are always looking for evidence to support them, even when there might be plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Imagine wearing colored glasses that tint everything you see around you. Your beliefs are like those glasses—they color your interpretation of the world.

Think about this: If I said you're beautiful, your response would depend entirely on whether you believe it yourself. But if I told you your skin was purple, you'd laugh it off because you know that's not true.

So, where might your beliefs be holding you back?

Financially: You might think, "I'll never get ahead," or "Money doesn't grow on trees," or “I don’t have a college degree so I can’t earn a great wage.”

In Relationships: Maybe you believe, "I'm not loveable," or "I can't find my perfect match,” or  “I always seem to date the same kind of person.” 

Physically: Perhaps you're telling yourself, "Diets don't work for me," or "Healthy eating is just too exhausting," or “Everyone in my family is overweight so must be in my genes.”

Emotionally: You might feel, "It's unsafe to show my feelings," or "I'm just too emotional," or you may have learned from your family that “only babies cry.”

Mentally: Thoughts like, "I'm not smart enough," or "Only smart people do great things," might plague you.

Holding onto these beliefs can often feel easier because you might believe that challenging them requires sticking your neck out. It can be scary to abandon the familiar narrative of being a victim to change.

Remember this: Your subconscious mind governs your actions and habits, but that doesn't mean change is impossible. When you start rewriting those limiting beliefs, you'll notice a shift in your thoughts. New thoughts lead to new actions, and new actions bring new results.  And new results equals a new empowered life.

So, which beliefs do you think are standing in your way, and are you ready to work on changing them together?

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